; ; comctl32.def ; ; Exports for COMCTL32 DLL ; ; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ; ; Author: Scott Christley ; Date: 1996 ; ; This file is part of the Windows32 API Library. ; ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; Library General Public License for more details. ; ; If you are interested in a warranty or support for this source code, ; contact Scott Christley for more information. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ; License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. ; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ; ; - Nirmal Prasad R. (nprasad@truept.com) - ; Added Support for InitCommonControlsEx - (API) for extended set of ; controls such as Date Time Picker, Month Control etc. LIBRARY COMCTL32 EXPORTS AddMRUData@12 AddMRUStringA@8 AddMRUStringW@8 Alloc@4 CreateMRUListA@4 CreateMRUListW@4 CreateMappedBitmap@20 CreatePage@8 CreatePropertySheetPage@4 CreatePropertySheetPageA@4 CreatePropertySheetPageW@4 CreateProxyPage@8 CreateStatusWindow@16 CreateStatusWindowA@16 CreateStatusWindowW@16 CreateToolbar@32 CreateToolbarEx@52 CreateUpDownControl@48 DPA_Clone@8 DPA_Create@4 DPA_CreateEx@8 DPA_DeleteAllPtrs@4 DPA_DeletePtr@8 DPA_Destroy@4 DPA_GetPtr@8 DPA_GetPtrIndex@8 DPA_Grow@8 DPA_InsertPtr@12 DPA_Search@24 DPA_SetPtr@12 DPA_Sort@12 DSA_Create@8 DSA_DeleteAllItems@4 DSA_DeleteItem@8 DSA_Destroy@4 DSA_GetItem@12 DSA_GetItemPtr@8 DSA_InsertItem@12 DSA_SetItem@12 DelMRUString@8 DestroyPropertySheetPage@4 DrawInsert@12 DrawStatusText@16 DrawStatusTextA@16 DrawStatusTextW@16 EnumMRUListA@16 EnumMRUListW@16 FindMRUData@16 FindMRUStringA@12 FindMRUStringW@12 Free@4 FreeMRUList@4 GetEffectiveClientRect@12 GetSize@4 ImageList_Add@12 ImageList_AddIcon@8 ImageList_AddMasked@12 ImageList_BeginDrag@16 ImageList_Create@20 ImageList_Copy@20 ImageList_Destroy@4 ImageList_DragEnter@12 ImageList_DragLeave@4 ImageList_DragMove@8 ImageList_DragShowNolock@4 ImageList_Draw@24 ImageList_DrawEx@40 ImageList_DrawIndirect@4 ImageList_EndDrag@0 ImageList_GetBkColor@4 ImageList_GetDragImage@8 ImageList_GetIcon@12 ImageList_GetIconSize@12 ImageList_GetImageCount@4 ImageList_GetImageInfo@12 ImageList_GetImageRect@12 ImageList_LoadImage@28 ImageList_LoadImageA@28 ImageList_LoadImageW@28 ImageList_Merge@24 ImageList_Read@4 ImageList_Remove@8 ImageList_Replace@16 ImageList_ReplaceIcon@12 ImageList_SetBkColor@8 ImageList_SetDragCursorImage@16 ImageList_SetIconSize@12 ImageList_SetImageCount@8 ImageList_SetOverlayImage@12 ImageList_Write@8 InitCommonControls@0 InitCommonControlsEx@4 LBItemFromPt@16 MakeDragList@4 MenuHelp@28 PropertySheet@4 PropertySheetA@4 PropertySheetW@4 ReAlloc@8 SendNotify@16 SendNotifyEx@20 ShowHideMenuCtl@12 StrCSpnA@8 StrCSpnIA@8 StrCSpnW@8 StrChrA@8 StrChrIA@8 StrChrIW@8 StrChrW@8 StrCmpNA@12 StrCmpNIA@12 StrCmpNIW@12 StrCmpNW@12 StrRChrA@12 StrRChrIA@12 StrRChrW@12 StrRStrIA@12 StrRStrIW@12 StrStrA@8 StrStrIA@8 StrStrIW@8 StrStrW@8 StrToIntA@4 StrToIntW@4 Str_GetPtrA@12 Str_GetPtrW@12 Str_SetPtrA@8 Str_SetPtrW@8