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install fails for .exe files

Building Gnu texinfo-3.12 in B20.1, "make install" fails because the
makefile didn't expect executables to have the .exe suffix.  This is
documented in the Cygwin User's Guide, at

	Unfortunately the install and strip commands do distinguish
	between filename and filename.exe. They fail when working on a
	non-existing filename even if filename.exe exists, thus
	breaking some makefiles. This problem can be solved by writing
	install and strip shell scripts to provide the extension
	".exe" when needed.

I found the easiest solution was to use install-cygwin-b20-sh from

Shouldn't cygwin install.exe provide this functionality from the
beginning?  Wouldn't it save users considerable time & trouble?


  David Starks-Browning                  |
  EMBL Outstation --                     |
  The European Bioinformatics Institute  |
  Wellcome Trust Genome Campus           | tel: +44 (1223) 494 616
  Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK       | fax: +44 (1223) 494 468