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Re: pid problem found

On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 10:27:07PM -0500, wrote:
>Ok, this may still be a B20.1 problem, but I'm definitely more shaky
>about it now.  It turns out that after CreateProcess, the returned
>PROCESS_INFORMATION structure has a dwProcessId entry that's usally
>between 3 to 5 times the value of the real pid.

There is absolutely no relationship between the dwProcessId returned by
CreateProcess and a cygwin pid.  Cygwin pids are generated by the DLL.

We can't use the Windows pid because Windows doesn't support anything
like the exec() function.  So, we have to enforce our own pids
independently of Windows.

If you want to use cygwin functions to wait for pids you'll have to use
cygwin functions to create processes as well.

>for instance, the spawned child's real PID will be 1070, but 
>the dwProcessId will give 3919... the next run, real PID is 1072, 
>but dwProcessId gives 4663, a third time real is 1075, dwProcessId
>returns 3033.
>(I've been using dwProcessId to save the pid for later waitpid() calls,
>which now explains why those were failing)


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