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Re: CygWin32 and Linux

Hi Edward,

>Another advantage would be that pristine sources and a well-defined set
>of diffs for Cygwin32 could replace the current rather chaotic porting
>of programs.  That's not to put down the GNUWin32 package report; it's
>certainly a useful measure, I just don't think it will scale well to
>hundreds of packages.

I have to agree - I started this report just to have *anything*.
If it will grow to lets say more than 100 packages, I have to think
about putting it into a database or something like that.

I hope though, that until this time most GNU packages will have their
own [GNU|Cyg]Win32 build rules , so that this report won't be necessary
any more.

Michael Hirmke           | Telefon +49 (911) 557999
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