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[PATCH]: "decorate" gcc extensions with __extension__

Hi All,

This patch is the first of many patches as part of my attempt to
clean up warnings/errors triggered when building with "-W -Wall
pedantic" flags.  In this patch, I have "decorated" all
occurances of gcc c/c++ extensions with the the __extension__
label.  It is necessary to do this since pedantic causes most
all ISO/ANSI compliance warnings to be treated as errors. 
Despite the fact that they are gcc extensions, I think the use
of zero & variable length arrays really ought to be discouraged.
 IMHO, the variable length arrays should be converted to use
alloca.  As for the zero-length arrays which are being used for
padding structs, wouldn't using the appropriate pragma be a
better idea?  But I guess that's just my $0.02 on the subject,
so feel free to disagree.  Anyways, A patch is attached which
will do for now.  Also some of the other extensions I've labeled
include braced-group macros, arrays with designated
initializers, and anonymous structs.


Attachment: ChangeLog.txt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygwin-gcc-extension-decorations.patch
Description: Binary data

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