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Re: Add support for Windows 8, first step

On Oct 13 17:52, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Oct 13 12:33, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Anyway, I will check in a patch, today or tomorrow, which adds code
> > to use the new structure on W8.
> I just checked in my patch.  I introduced a new class fcwd_access_t
> which hides the implementation details so find_fast_cwd and
> cwdstuff::override_win32_cwd don't have to know the actual structure
> layout.  Thus, if a nother FAST_CWD structure comes along, we only have
> to change (hopefully) a bit of code in fcwd_access_t.
> I didn't try to find out how to compute fast_cwd_ptr on W8 yet, but
> at least the FAST_CWD stuff should work fine using the "couldn't compute
> fast_cwd_ptr hack" in cwdstuff::override_win32_cwd on W8 now...

I just checked in a patch to find_fast_cwd_pointer which allows to
compute fast_cwd_ptr on W8 as well.  It was pretty simple.  The only
crucial difference in the code was the usage of "push crit-sect-addr"
instead of "mov edi, crit-sect-addr; push edi", which changes the
address of the next instruction by a single byte.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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