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Re: RFC: Cygwin 64 bit?

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> [SNIP] Hey, Yaakov -- what about this wild idea:  What if,
>> cygwin64-1.dll's implementation of dlopen() -- and remember,
>> cygwin64-1.dll can only be linked/loaded by a 64bit process --
>> automatically translated all attempts to dlopen
>> .../path/to/cyg*.dll to FIRST attempt to open cyg64*dll, then (if
>> cyg*dll was actually 64bit, rather than the expected 32bit) fall
>> back to the specified name?
> I'm wondering why we didn't do this in the first place?  In theory
> there's nothing which speaks against dlopen("/path/to/") to
> check for valid combinations:
> - /path/to/ - /path/to/libfoo.dll - /path/to/cygfoo.dll (32
> bit) or /path/to/cyg64foo.dll (64 bit)

When I was reading Yaakov's post I had the same idea.  It should ease
the pain for porting since there is no need for upstream packages to
have to make changes to accommodate the Cygwin specifics.


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