
Eric Blake eblake@redhat.com
Tue Mar 2 18:53:00 GMT 2010

According to Christopher Faylor on 3/2/2010 11:45 AM:
>> Yes, the script David sent in the latest mail in the thread.  But how
>> do you differe between a situation in which a file foo is renamed to
>> bar and the user does not want to add the .exe suffix (svn), and the
>> situation in which foo is renamed to bar and the .exe suffix should be
>> added (strip)?  I'm at a loss.
> Ah, thanks.  I see the script now.  But it just demonstrates Cygwin
> working as planned.

Isn't the idea that:

rename("foo", "bar")

should create "bar.exe" only if "foo" really resolved to "foo.exe" to
begin with?  In other words, what is the use case where someone wants
"foo" to become "bar.exe", but "foo.exe" did not exist, and they called
rename("foo","bar") instead of rename("foo","bar.exe")?

Given the example script, it looks like we are starting fromo
"tempfile.tmp", which does NOT have an .exe suffix, so how is the
append-.exe magic kicking in in the first place?

> The only thing I can think of is to provide an api for telling Cygwin
> not to do any magic when renaming.  Either that or provide another
> version of rename and friends.
> Neither is something for 1.7.2, I think.

Agreed; that, and I still need to release coreutils 8.4 and revisit the
exe magic in cp, mv, and install from the command line point of view.

Eric Blake   eblake@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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