potential instability in cygwin after my last checkin

Christopher Faylor cgf@redhat.com
Thu Aug 1 19:11:00 GMT 2002

On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 12:00:17AM +0100, Conrad Scott wrote:
>"Conrad Scott" <Conrad.Scott@dsl.pipex.com>
>> Of course, the other point here is that the code seems to work
>> fine (I'm also running XEmacs w/ gnuserv and CVS too).
>I spoke slightly too quickly . . . rxvt hangs for me when bash
>I launched my windows via:
>c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe rxvt -ls -e bash --login -i
>On exit, rxvt is blocked as follows:
>Thread 1: blocked in WaitForSingleObject in tty.cc:148 (called,
>indirectly, from do_exit).
>Thread 3: Blocked at fhandler_tty.cc:196
>Thread 4: Blocked at fhandler_tty.cc:403
>I also note a FIXME comment re: cygthreads at tty.cc:148, which
>might be relevant :-)

Yes, this was sort of the problem.  I duplicated the problem and
it should be fixed now.  Thanks for the details.  They helped track
it down.

>Apart from this, all seems hunky dory.

Well, that's pretty amazing.  Thanks.


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