I guess I'm giving up on the "experiment"

Brian Keener bkeener@thesoftwaresource.com
Wed May 16 10:53:00 GMT 2001

I'm kind of curious myself.  I think you might want to give it a while 
longer for several reasons:

1) as you pointed out - you have a "knee jerk" reaction to answer all 
messages as soon as you read them.  (Example: the misspelled main 
problem: several folks might have caught that one - maybe even me if I 
looked close enough).  

2) Some of us contribute very little and are even learners so we aren't 
much help, but in a case of someone not getting an answer then some of us 
that do not speak up much might begin to speak a little more.  Of course 
if a questions looks as if it won't be answered which would be a terrible 
thing and is extremely frustrating for those that originally asked then 
by all means speak up (but this will limit your responses - maybe ;-) )

3) As the experiment has only run for 9 days, the trend has not had 
sufficient enough time for all folks to change their styles and for 
others to become more vocal.  Rome was not built in a day.


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