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Re: hybrid text/binary mount

On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 04:26:04PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> I think that most output is done in more than one character at a time
>> mode.
>Yeah, but consider, for example, raw PBM files.  The first few lines
>are text lines, but after that the data is binary.  One could easily
>assume that it's a text file from the first few writes, but it's not.
>Only if the user uses stdio, and the buffer happens to be big enough
>(and not flushed, or line buffered), will it guess right.

So, we'll be no worse off with raw PBM files than we are right now.
This is obviously not 100% foolproof.  That may be a reason not
to even consider it because it will make problems a lot harder
to track down.


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