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Re: Cygwin performance (was [ANN] PW32 the...)

On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 04:29:53PM +0100, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> I would like the ability to be able to set attributes on an executable
>> something like:
>>         chattr --stat-lite ls.exe
>I would plead for a path controlled solution:
>	cygset stat-lite [never|local|remote|always]
>or, another way,
>	cygset stat-lite a: e: \\
>to set stat-lite on all full paths beginning with a:, e: or \\.

I was advocating something which would just set specific attribute
bits.  If we want pinpoint control maybe we could do this in the
mount table:

	mount --stat-lite \\some\remote\share /foo

Hey!  I like this idea.  (pats himself on the back)

Since cygwin allows you to mount individual files you could even do

	mount --stat-lite c:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe /bin/ls.exe

...and have the cygwin startup determine if ls should use stat-lite or


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