(patch) winsup noncygwin mess cleanup

Mumit Khan khan@nanotech.wisc.edu
Sat Dec 4 18:36:00 GMT 1999

Chris Faylor <cgf@cygnus.com> writes:
> That's right.  There is no way to inherit fds in a non-cygwin app since
> the fds are passed via a "reserved" block in CreateProcess.  I've been
> contemplating changing that.
> From what I see in your patch, I think you've done the only thing that
> makes sense.

That was the last resort. I had been sitting on this patch long enough
that I decided to punt the issue and submit. Should've asked earlier!

The problem is the following: if I run say a Java JNI from a shell that
is non-cygwin (eg., DOS shell), stdout/err work just fine; if I run it
from Cygwin shell, nothing shows up since somewhere in there, the std
fd's are closed. It's not that big of a problem in my book, but I'd like
to find if there's a way to fix it eventually, if at all possible.

Re signal handling, I do have the change, but it has some "emotional"
problems I need to track down. I'll get to it after these changes are
in a snapshot.

A naive question -- how do I turn on tracing without running strace?
In my particular case, strace invokes different behaviour since it's
a mingw application, and I'd prefer not to change the source everytime
I need to do some serious debugging.


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