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I got some problems with this snapshot, all regarding,
especially the call to windres:

- First of all, windres didn't know the option '-D'. I'm using
  windres-2.9.4 (it's the latest version, isn't it?) and it doesn't
  know the option '-D' but only '--define'.

- $dir was set to "include/cygwin" in, so windres was
  called with `--include-dir include/cygwin/include' instead of
  `--include-dir include, which would be correct.

- after changing the -D to --define I got the next problem, a
  gcc compiler error:
	gcc: 23:33:00: no such file or directory
  Investigating the call, I found that the BUILD_DATE has to
  be quoted twice:
	--define BUILD_DATE="\"$builddate\""
  instead of
	--define BUILD_DATE="$builddate"

- At last, the build was done and the new-cygwin1.dll contained
  a version info in the properties sheet. Unfortunately, the
  version info was completely empty!

I have a patch of but it only solves the first three
problems. Moreover I'm not sure if the problems result from
an own mistake, so I would like to hear from you, first.


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