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Re: [ITP] FUSE 2.8

Bill Zissimopoulos wrote:
Please be mindful if you intend to test that the current released binary
of WinFsp does not support Windows 7. This is because the last release
erroneously uses a Windows 8 only API (GetOverlappedResultEx).

It's your call obviously but do you want to forgo Win 7 support when many of the kind of developers who might be interested in FUSE on Windows are delaying or not bothering to upgrade to Win 8.x or Win 10 for various reasons?

Is there an alternative to that particular API that would allow Win 7 support?

PS: I am going AWOL this Friday.

If you don't mind my asking, do you mean for the day, for a couple
weeks, for ever, ???


Sorry! I am realizing now this could be taken in a darker way than I
intended. I just meant I am going on vacation and that I have to attend to
some family matters. It is likely I will not be able to participate in
discussions for a few weeks.

Appreciate knowing the time frame :).

Your detailed build instructions worked fine for me. I'll be unable to test until I set up a Win 8.x or Win 10 VM at some point. But so far so good.

Since this cygfuse glue DLL is a separate package from your FUSE implementation, I guess it'll need a separate ITP. Will you do the initial package upload and then turn maintainership over to me, or would you prefer I own the package from the start? Either way OK with me. I guess whoever will be doing the initial upload should be the ITP submitter as well.


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