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Re: calm messages [x86]

On 2016-03-17 07:42, wrote:
package 'git-svn' hints changed
-  'requires': 'git perl perl-YAML perl_base subversion-perl',
?                                           ----------------

Missing subversion-perl on your build machine?

package 'gitweb' hints changed
-  'requires': 'bash perl_base ruby git lighttpd',
?                    ---------------
+  'requires': 'bash git lighttpd',

gitweb.cgi is a perl script, so perl and several modules are definitely required here.

package 'git' hints changed
-  'requires': 'bash cygwin libcurl4 libexpat1 libgcc1 libiconv2 libintl8 libopenssl100 perl perl-Error perl-TermReadKey perl_base python zlib0 cygutils less openssh rsync',
?               -----

Why no more bash dependency?


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