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Obsolete dependency report, 2015-Oct-15

With the ABI-breaking updates to Boost and ICU, there are a number of
packages which now need to be rebuilt:

gnuplot                                      Dr. Volker Zell
lyx                                          Marco Atzeri
mkvtoolnix                                   David Stacey
nmh                                          David Levine
pristine-tar[3]                              Jari Aalto
pstoedit                                     Dr. Volker Zell
R                                            Marco Atzeri
rdtool[1]                                    Jari Aalto
rpm                                          Pavel Fedin
sng[2]                                       Andrew Schulman
sqlite3                                      Jan Nijtmans
tesseract-ocr                                Marco Atzeri
znc                                          Alexey Sokolov

[1] subject to removal from the distribution
[3] already rebuilt for x86_64, but not i686

The master list is kept at:

This page is set for moderated changes, so feel free to strikethrough
your package from the list once its uploaded.



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