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Re: perl-5.22.0-RC2 / Perl distributions

On 5/25/2015 2:45 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
BTW, I contacted Philip Kime, the author of Biber, about
Unicode::Normalize.  He told me that version 1.18 is unusably slow.
Here's a bug report he filed about it:

I think he's planning to pursue it further.

It doesn't look like anything is going to change in the near future. According to the bug report I cited, Biber runs slower by a factor of 20 with version 1.18 of Unicode::Normalize than with version 1.17. I don't think that's acceptable.

The only solution I can think of is to ship Biber as a self-contained Perl Archive made with PAR::Packer[*], built with version 1.17 of Unicode::Normalize. I've gotten the latter from backpan and built it locally using the attached cygport file.

Does anyone have a better idea?


[*] This is the way Biber is shipped by TeX Live on all platforms on which the Biber author can build it. This includes i686-cygwin but not x86_64-cygwin, because he doesn't have a 64-bit Cygwin system. But I am expecting to build it on x86_64-cygwin and send it upstream for inclusion in TeX Live. I already have it built and just need to do a little more testing.

Attachment: perl-Unicode-Normalize.cygport
Description: Text document

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