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Re: [ITP] python-discid-1.1.0: Python binding of libdiscid by MusicBrainz

On Mon, 2015-02-09 at 09:51 +0100, wrote:
> I would like to contribute and maintain the 'python-discid' package:
>  o (Homepage)
>  o  (Download location)
> Here is the setup.hint file:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ./setup.hint
> category: Python
> requires: python 
> sdesc: "Python binding of libdiscid by MusicBrainz"
> ldesc: "The main purpose is the calculation of an identifier for audio 
> discs (Disc ID) to use for the MusicBrainz database. Additionally 
> the disc MCN and track ISRCs can be extracted."

This module loads libdiscid via ctypes, so you need an explicit
REQUIRES=libdiscid-devel in your .cygport.  With that change, GTG.


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