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Re: [Patch] Rebase: new switch --ephemeral

On Jun 30 06:45, Achim Gratz wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 June 2012, 11:33:17, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > If you really want -E to be an exclusive option, then what I'm missing
> > is the enforcement on the command line.
> Here's a reworked patch (against rebase-4.2.0-1) that enforces mutual 
> exclusivity between -T and -E; extra files given on the command line are 
> processed with the list and the description has been altered to hopefully be 
> more clear in that respect.  This change also forces that only a single such 
> option is present on the command line instead of silently using the last one 
> only.
> Typical use of this new option would be:
> cygport $p compile
> find $p -name \*.dll -o -name \*.so | rebase -sE -
> cygport $p test
> Recording the ephemeral files in the database properly would likely require 
> a new database format and more support functions, so I'm skipping that for 
> now, I also don't see any need for that at the moment.

You could also just mark them internally in the bitfield (which you
kinda already do) and then tweak the merge function to sort the
ephemeral ones independent of the persistent DLLs so the persistent DLLs
are always compacted from the start base address downwards with
the ephemeral ones following.  Then you just store the persistent ones.

Jason, it's your call now.  You didn't chime in at all so far.  I'm not
sure this is really necessary functionality but it doesn't hurt either
and it appears to help in some scenarios.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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