DESCRIPTION="The UNIX emulation engine" HOMEPAGE="" CVS_URI="" CVS_MODULE="winsup" CVS_BRANCH="cygwin-${PV//\./_}-release" CVS_TOPLEVEL="src" inherit cvs DIFF_EXCLUDES="newlib/libc/ newlib/libm/" # This is needed since we otherwise end up with two dirs in usr/share/doc # which only differ by case, "cygwin" and "Cygwin". That's not feasible for # the distro. Therefore we suppress generation of the default docs and create # our own cygwin-${PV} dir for the docs in src_install. RESTRICT="postinst-doc" src_compile() { cd ${B} cygconf --localstatedir=/var cygmake } src_install() { cd ${B} # tooldir and gcc_tooldir must be set to install correctly even when # building on a non-Cygwin build machine. MAKEOPTS='-j1 tooldir=/usr gcc_tooldir=/usr' cyginstall ### ### ### FIXME: ### ### Where to put the cygwin1.dbg file so that it ends up "as is" in the ### source tarball? ### ### # # cp ${B}/i686-pc-cygwin/winsup/cygwin/cygwin1.dbg ??? # cd ${S} docinto /${P} dodoc winsup/COPYING winsup/CYGWIN_LICENSE COPYING.NEWLIB README cd ${D} rm -rf usr/bin/mingwm10.dll usr/include/iconv.h usr/include/mingw \ usr/include/w32api usr/include/unctrl.h usr/lib/libiberty.a \ usr/lib/mingw usr/lib/w32api usr/share/doc/mingw-runtime \ usr/share/info usr/share/locale usr/share/man/manmingw cd ${C} cat > setup.hint <<-EOF sdesc: "The UNIX emulation engine" category: Base requires: base-cygwin noautodep: _update-info-dir autodep: .* message: new-cygwin-version "This is the first time you've installed Cygwin 1.7.x. Please be advised that this is a major release. If you have not done so already, please check out the documentation at to see how the upgrade could potentially affect any existing Cygwin installation. If this is the first time you've installed Cygwin on this system then you can ignore this message." EOF }