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Re: [ITP]

Hello, and pardon me for still pestering you.

I've got a custom repo now working with setup.exe -X @ (won't be the final location).
Signatures are more troublesome.  I suspect my .sig files are in a
wrong format, but can't find detailed info on what the correct format
is.  Currently, I've just done

gpg --output setup.ini.sig --sign setup.ini
gpg --output setup.bz2.sig --sign setup.bz2

I also did my own key,

gpg --gen-keys  (to generate a 1024bit DSA key, no passphrase)
gpg --export "Jussi Kantola" > tortilla.gpg

intending to run

setup.exe -K

However, setup.exe can't verify the signatures.  Error is "Internal
Error: gcrypt library error 163 illegal old tag"

I looked at setup.exe source, for hints on what the signatures should
be like, but got the impression that the full libgcrypt set should be
useable.  Apparently this impression is wrong -- or something.  Help?


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