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Re: postgresql-client-8.0.7-1.tar.bz2 filesize is 0 in setup.ini

Igor Peshansky schrieb:

I just noticed that the size of postgresql-client-8.0.7-1.tar.bz2 (the
curr version) is set to 0.  Is that intentional?  It doesn't seem to break
setup, but is something to look into, nonetheless.

Yes, that's on purpose.
There are three main packages: postgresql, libpq4 and postgresql-client.
All three of them have existing curr and test packages. The two client packages should have correct cross-dependencies.

1. Empty not to conflict with the existing postgresql-8.0.7-1, which has all the client binaries.
2. Existing, because when installing postgresql-client-8.0.7-1 after having installed 8.1.4-2, to pull in the correct dependencies.

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