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Re: Observation for ALL maintainers who provide dlls (was Re: questionfor perl maintainer)

Jason Tishler wrote:

By the way, is it reliable to use objdump -x to find the base
(ImageBase) ?  For cygssl-0.9.8.dll it is 10000000, but I thought the
base was 0x63000000

I use a command line like the following:

    $ objdump -p /usr/bin/cygssl-0.9.7.dll | fgrep ImageBase
    ImageBase               6c700000

$ objdump -p /usr/bin/cygssl-0.9.7.dll | fgrep ImageBase ImageBase 10000000

$ cygcheck -c openssl
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
openssl              0.9.8-1        OK

But hey, this is an old version, openssl-0.9.8-2 is out, it seems
that the image base address was changed with the latest release.


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