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Re: Two versions of uptime, one in procps-010801-2 and one in sh-utils-2.0-3

Hi Chris

o This package has now a conflict between kill.exe from cygwin-1.3.18-1
o Additionally nohup is missing also the man page is there and the info
page still mentions the utility as core
o There is now also a conflict between the uptime man page from procps-010801-2
o /lib/charset.alias should probably be removed because it's usually installed from the gettext-package (As a heads up, there is also a charset.alias file in tar-1.13.25-1/texinfo-4.2-4/textutils-2.0.16-1)


PS: By the way, I'm sending this message via Netscape Mail. My last couple of mails did not make it through to the cygwin-apps list when
sending via Xemacs and Gnus (a trace of the SMTP session looks fine) also mailing to cygwin-xfree works just fine. Any hints ? I haven't tested the main cygwin list recently.

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