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Re: Shared vs Static [WAS: Re: [general] some ideas & request for comments (LONG)]

On Wed, 17 May 00 03:04:38 +0100, you wrote:

>Earnie Boyd wrote:
>NOTE: Are you suggesting, Earnie, that binutils be further hacked to
>search for the following in the '-Bdynamic' case:
>'libfoo.dll' 'libfoo.dll.a' (and 'foo.dll' and 'foo.dll.a' for
>consistency), and THEN as an absolutely last fallback, 'libfoo.a'
>In '-Bstatic', you'd only look for 'libfoo.a' of course.

Why is the actual DLL the first thing that has to be searched?

From my understanding the first thing to use is the import-library, if it

Think about the cygwin1.dll example. If you would first try to link with the
actual dll, you would run into an 'unresolved external' problem if some kind of
name-mangling is done in the import-library.

So search order should be:

libfoo.dll.a foo.dll.a libfoo.dll foo.dll libfoo.a

Correct or wrong ????


Michael Ring

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