Updated: eigen3-3.3.8-1 (TEST)

Lemures Lemniscati lemures.lemniscati@gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 04:21:37 GMT 2020

The following packages have been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution
as test:

* eigen3-3.3.8-1.tar.xz
* eigen3-3.3.8-1-src.tar.xz

This is an update to the latest upstream release.

Eigen is a lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math,
a.k.a. linear algebra. Unlike most other linear algebra libraries,
Eigen focuses on the simple mathematical needs of applications: games
and other OpenGL apps, spreadsheets and other office apps, etc. Eigen
is dedicated to providing optimal speed with GCC.

HomePage: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/
Source: https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/releases/3.3.8

Cygwin Package Summary:
Cygport Source:

Lemures Lemniscati

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