cygwin-announce archive
subject index for July, 2016

This is the mail archive of the cygwin-announce mailing list for the Cygwin project.

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[Updated/New] Perl distributions

abiword 3.0.1-6

akonadi 1.13.0-4

asciinema 1.3.0-1

aspell-en 2016.06.26.0-1

avogadro 1.1.1-3

boost 1.60.0-1

botan1.10 1.10.13-1

ca-certificates 2.8-1

cantarell-fonts 0.0.24-1

clang 3.8.1-1

curl 7.50.0-1

dejavu-fonts 2.36-1

djgpp-gcc 5.4.0-1

fish 2.3.1-1

freetype2 2.6.5-1

GeoIP-database 20160711-1

gimp 2.8.16-2

gimp 2.8.18-1

glew 1.13.0-1


GNOME 3.18 updates

gucharmap 9.0.0-1

harfbuzz 1.2.7-1

httpd 2.4.23-1

ibus 1.5.13-1

ibus-qt 1.3.3-3

imlib2 1.4.9-1

inkscape 0.91-5

jq 1.5-2

kdelibs 4.14.22-1

kig 15.04.3-3

krb5 1.14.1-2

libarchive 3.1.2-4

libgcrypt 1.6.5-1

libgpg-error 1.24-1

liblangtag 0.6.0-1

libpsl 0.13.0-2

libpst 0.6.67-1

libspectre 0.2.8-1

libvpx 1.5.0-1

libwebp 0.4.4-1

llvm 3.8.1-1

lucene++ 3.0.7-3

mesa 12.0.1-1

mesa-demos 8.3.0-2

mingw64-*-libXpm 3.5.11-2

mysql 10.1.14-1

mysql 10.1.16-1

ncurses 6.0-6.20160709

netpbm 10.74.05-1

New Package : qpdf-6.0.0-1

New: words-3.0-1

pamixer 1.3.1-1

pasystray 0.6.0-1

pavucontrol 3.0-1

pdf2djvu 0.9.4-1

perl-Win32-GUI 1.13-1

php 5.6.23-1

php 5.6.24-1

php-jsonc 1.3.10-1

pocl 0.13-2

poedit 1.8.8-1

poppler 0.45.0-1

popt 1.16-2

pulseaudio 9.0-1

qpdfview 0.4.16-1

scite 3.6.6-1

source-highlight 3.1.8-3


TEST RELEASE: Cygwin 2.6.0-0.1

TEST RELEASE: Cygwin 2.6.0-0.2

TEST RELEASE: Cygwin 2.6.0-0.3

TEST RELEASE: Cygwin 2.6.0-0.5

tzdata 2016f-1

unicode-ucd 9.0.0-2

units 2.13-1

Updated: arpack-3.4.0-1

Updated: gdal-2.1.1-1

Updated: ImageMagick-

Updated: libebml-1.3.4-1

Updated: libmatroska-1.4.5-1

Updated: mintty 2.4.0

Updated: mintty 2.4.1

Updated: mintty 2.4.2

Updated: mkvtoolnix-9.3.1-1

Updated: mutt-1.6.2-1

Updated: octave forge packages

Updated: octave-4.0.3-1

Updated: perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.24-1

Updated: wget-1.18-1

Updated: xorg-server-1.18.4-1

vim 7.4.1990-1

webrtc-audio-processing 0.3-1

writerperfect 0.9.5-1 and dependencies

xerces-c 3.1.4-1

xkeyboard-config 2.18-1

xorg-x11-fonts 7.5-3

xsd 4.0.0-3

yaz 5.16.0-1

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