Updated: clamav-0.90.1-2

Reini Urban rurban@x-ray.at
Thu Mar 8 21:47:00 GMT 2007

The cygwin clamav packages (Clam AntiVirus - GPL anti-virus toolkit) has
been updated to 0.90.1-2.
-2 fixed a missing /usr/sbin/clamd from -1.
0.90.1 features a minor number, but a major dll change.
We switched now to libclamav2.
Devel users: The API changed a lot with 0.90

Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of
this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment
scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded
daemon, a commandline scanner, and a tool for automatic updating via
Internet. The programs are based on a shared library distributed with
the Clam AntiVirus package, which you can use in your own software.

See http://freshmeat.net/projects/clamav/

The clamav package comes in three parts:

clamav:      the executables and binaries
libclamav2:  the shared library since 0.90.1
libclamav-devel: development resources (headers, static- and import

The experimental phishing code from the Google Summer of Code program is
now for the first time enabled.
   --no-phishing means to disable detecting phishing based on signatures
                 from main.cvd/daily.cvd
   --no-phishing-scan-urls means to disable the new phishing code
The Sensory NetworksÂ’ NodalCore card support is not enabled.

Cygwin Package Changes:
fixed (again) the BUILD_CLAMD logic


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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